Welcome to Spring! I know it’s only February and Winter could still come and bite us in the a** (New York, we see you!) but technically it is Spring and I for one am celebrating it. I’m thinking about seeds, planting, garden plans, building up polytunnel beds and manure 😊 (for the beds!).
Alongside all of that busyness there is work. The Studio is now pretty much motoring along almost at pre-Covid levels and personally I am fully booked with clients, many of whom are coming back to me after a long hiatus and are eager to get back to feeling good about themselves again and get rid of niggling aches and pains.
I’m using my Stott Pilates Stability Chair more than usual recently and like everything in life, it is lovely to go back to something that you haven’t used in a while and remember how good it feels and how beneficial it is!
There was one client in particular this week that was having terrible ITB syndrome which was manifesting in chronic lateral knee pain and the Chair seemed to give him the relief and stability that he was looking for. He’s now booked in for a second weekly session until we can safely say that he is out of the woods! It’s immensely satisfying to have that mini “breakthrough” with clients and feel that you have made a difference to their pain.
Here is wishing you all a lovely week and hoping that you manage to get outdoors for some of that lovely spring air and feel nature’s optimism and carry a little bit of that with you into the weekend.
Love Jacq x